Ever since I was three years old, Nicole Norman (Patterson) and I have been best friends, luckily we both got married within one year of each other and now are living in Logan, Utah with our husbands. Jesse and I love hanging out with Derrick and Nicole because it is always an exciting and fun time. On Saturday, July 10, Derrick and Nicole invited us to go on a jeep ride with them... but not any old ride-down-a-flat-road-and-feel-like-you're-not-going-to-fall-out-of-the-jeep ride, we went on a grip-the-handle/seat-in-front-of-you/anything-around-you-white-knuckled jeep ride and climbed a mountain. It was so much fun and luckily my camera didn't fall out and get smashed by the jeep, like our water bottles did, so I have fun pictures of the whole afternoon.
flattened out I was brave enough to bring my camera
out knowing that it wouldn't be thrown overboard
The Jeep
Girls by the jeep
Jesse by the jeep
The men